The Different Types of Gating Used in Injection Molding




Injection molding is a manufacturing process used to shape plastics and other materials into the desired product. One way to do this is by using gating systems. Gate types are categorized based on the type of material that they are gating and what they are primarily used for. Some gates are designed to seal off an area, such as gate nozzles or runner passages, while others only create an opening, such as gates for injection points or gas vents. Gates can be machined from steel and then plated with copper or aluminum to make them last longer without rusting. There are many different sizes available depending on the size of the machine being used and what it is being molded.


Direct Gate


A direct gate is a type of gating used for injection molding that is designed to close when the molten plastic enters the cavity. The benefit to this type of gating is that it will immediately seal off the cavity and reduce potential leakage, but there are also some drawbacks. One drawback is that direct gates need to be placed more precisely on the moulds, which can make them difficult to use when there are complicated shapes involved.


Edge Gate


An edge gate is the most common type of gate for injection molding. The gate is located on one or both sides of the mold, and it has a protrusion that extends down into the cavity to form a seal with the plastic as it cools. The edge gate is typically found at one end or both ends of an injection molded part. The advantage of this type of gate is its ease of operation, since it only needs to be opened when filling the cavity. However, there are two disadvantages: 1) The molten plastic can flow out through gaps created by incorrectly setting up gates; 2) There are no valves which means air pockets remain after cooling.


Submarine Gate


A submarine gate can be used to make a part that has a slot that goes all the way through the part. The slot is cut on a 45° angle and there are two pins at each end of the slot. When this type of gate is used, it looks like it is going below and above the surface. This type of gate is often used for making bolts or fasteners because it helps keep them from falling out.


Pin Gate


A pin gate is a type of gating used for injection molding that utilizes metal pins or staples to create the flow channel. The pins or staples are inserted into the two halves at the feed section and they get pushed into each other. They can either be long or short, depending on what you need them for.




In this post, we have discussed the different types of gating used in injection molding. This was a brief overview and there are many more types than the three that we mentioned. Hopefully, you will be able to take something away from this post and apply it to your own projects, or if you are looking for a new job, get a better understanding of the process.